How to find mystical buried treasure in the deep ocean

Although us scientists spend a great deal of time cooped up in our laboratory, we are always up for a good adventure. Specifically, a fun day of hunting for buried treasure!

So how do we find such buried treasure, you may ask. Are we looking for gold? Gems? Ancient artifacts from thousands of years past?

Oh so much better than that. We are looking for the earth’s most beautiful creations, the hidden creatures lurking in the subtidal of the oceans.

Step one: Go to Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (or other biodiverse natural wonderlands)

image from
Photo of Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre by Briana Luck

I mean come on, why wouldn’t you want to come here?

Step two: Acquire boat

Such magical treasures won’t be waiting nearby. We have to travel far in a special speed boat to reach our “X” on the treasure map.

Video by Briana Luck

Step three: Lock in target

Once you reach that isolated, quiet, and calm area of the glimmering sea surface it is time to start the hunt for the treasure.

The boat must be fully still, engine off, passengers waiting eagerly, yet patiently.

Pro tip: If you see a rainbow, it’s probably a good sign.

Photo by Briana Luck

Step four: Start digging

The boat must have a special tool to dig up this type of buried treasure. We call it a dredge, and it dives deep down to the ocean floor to pick up the magic that lay beneath us.

But wait, couldn’t that harm ocean life down below?

You are right. ‘Dredge Fishing’ is a common and very unsustainable fishing method that damages marine ecosystems. It literally scrapes up the ocean floor, ouch!

However, in our case we made sure to just pick up a tiny bit, and only once in a blue moon. Plus our dredge sites have been checked later on and were found to have no long-lasting damage!


Graphic of dredge fishing by

Step five: Uncover hidden treasure!

Now, the excitement really starts! You see the dredge break through the surface of the sea. You are nervous, excited, and unsure of what you may find.

Finally! The mound of dirt and rocks is unleashed before you!

Photo by Briana Luck

Wait… just dirt and rocks? Where’s the treasure?

Oh just you be patient, and look a little closer.

Video by Briana Luck

WOW! An abundance of treasure will unveil itself before your eyes.

Video of a spider crab by Briana Luck
Photo of a sea cucumber and sea star by Briana Luck
Photo of a baby sea cucumber by Briana Luck
Photo of baby sea stars by Briana Luck
Photo of hard working scientists by Briana Luck

Step six: Keep learning!

As much fun as treasure hunting in the ocean can be, the most important thing is making sure we keep these habitats safe!

Photo of Briana Luck holding a sea urchin taken by Loic Caloren

To learn more about how dredge fishing can harm our little hidden friends and how we can protect them, click here and here

To learn more about the animals in the subtidal zone, click here

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